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Buying a home

The Home Buying Process

How does understanding credit score improve your home buying process?

The home buying process is already a very complex task for individuals looking to own real estate. If you’re looking to have a more in-depth overview of how credit score plays a factor in your ownership of owning a home, continue reading below! By having a further understanding, you will be improving your home buying process for the better!

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Simplifying your home buying process, with credit score help!

For years, potential home buyers looking for an easier home buying process, have been left in the dark about true credit score factors and how they affect one’s ability to get a mortgage loan. Now, with direct access to self-serve websites consumers are finally empowered to gain greater insight into personal credit, credit score myths, security against identity fraud and theft, and how to correct or improve a score. See the links below to have credit scores explained further and to have your home buying process easier.

A credit score is the result of a mathematical equation that evaluates many types of information that are on your credit report. Potential lenders will usually review your credit report and credit score, along with other factors, such as your ability and likelihood to repay debt.

Credit scores are often called “FICO scores” because most credit scores are produced from software based on a model developed by Fair Isaac and Company (“FICO”). For more information about FICO scores, go to.

The FICO score generally ranges from 300 to 850, and a higher score indicates a lower credit risk. FICO scores are calculated from many sources of information in your credit report, which is based on the importance of the following five categories for the general population:

  • Payment History 35%
  • Were Payments Made on Time?
  • Amounts Owed on Accounts 30%
  • Is the balance owed close to the limit?
  • Length of Credit History 15%
  • How long have your accounts been open?
  • New Credit 10%
  • How many new accounts have been opened?
  • Types of Credit Used 10%
  • Mortgage, auto, consumer finance accounts, revolving and installment loans.
  • Your race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status
  • Your salary, occupation, title, employment information, or residence address
  • Any interest rate being charged on your credit accounts
  • Any items such as family/child support, rental agreements, credit counseling participation

Your FICO score is a “snapshot” of your credit history at a given point in time and can change based on the factors that make up your credit score.

  • Late Payments
  • Pay your bills on time, and if you have missed a payment, get current.
  • Credit History
  • When you pay off debt or collection or close an account, the credit reference still remains on your credit report for a minimum of seven years.
  • High Balances
  • Keep outstanding balances low on credit cards and other “revolving” accounts.
  • New Credit
  • If you have been managing credit for a short time, don’t open a lot of new accounts.

Your score can improve by managing your credit responsibly over time and following some basic tips:

  • Make sure the information in your credit report is correct. You are entitled to one free credit report annually from the three credit bureaus – Experian, Transition, and Equifax. Visit www.annualcreditreport.com to obtain your free reports. You may also purchase a copy of your credit score report through this website.
  • Review your credit report for accuracy (review the account-opened date, account balance, account limit and last activity information). Act quickly to correct erroneous information.
  • Pay down high credit card and revolving account balances, but don’t close the account. Don’t apply for credit that you don’t need – excessive credit report “inquiries” can lower your score.
  • Avoid moving credit balances from one account to another just to take advantage of low introductory interest rates. The combination of “inquiries” and “new accounts” can negatively impact your score.
  • If possible, avoid “finance company” type credit accounts, including “90-day” and “12 months same-as-cash” accounts. Mortgage loans, installment loans and revolving credit card accounts impact your score more favorably than finance company accounts.

Your Social Security Number

Bank statements for past two months
Investment account statements for past two months
Life insurance policy
Retirement account statements for past two months
Make/model of vehicles you own along with their resale value

Credit card account information, including balance & monthly payment
Auto loan account information, including balance & monthly payment
Personal loan account information, including balance & monthly payment

Current pay stubs and W2, or if self employed, past two years of tax returns

If you currently own real estate
Mortgage account information, including balance & monthly payment
Home equity account information, including balance & monthly payment (if applicable)
Home insurance policy information

Need further assistance?

If you would like further help understanding how credit score factors in with the homebuying process, please feel free to contact our team of specialists. We would be more than happy to further exceed your knowledge with it. You can also get started by applying online to see what you qualify for!